Ex-combatants advised to test for HIV/Aids

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — The Deputy Executive Secretary of the National Aids Control Commission (CNLS), Antoine Semukanya has advised ex-combatants to test for HIV/Aids as a preventative measure.

Friday, August 29, 2008


MUSANZE — The Deputy Executive Secretary of the National Aids Control Commission (CNLS), Antoine Semukanya has advised ex-combatants to test for HIV/Aids as a preventative measure.

Addressing the recently repatriated ex-combatants, at a rehabilitation course at Mutobo Rehabilitation Centre, Semukanya advised the group to embrace all preventive measures against the Aids virus.

Other preventive measures highlighted include abstinence, being faithful to their spouses, proper use of condoms and circumcision.

However, during the lengthy discussions, majority of the former soldiers said they did not know how to use a condom.

Over 100 former soldiers, who are attending rehabilitation course, are part of those who voluntarily defect from rebel outfits operating in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Semukanya said that over 33 million people are infected world wide, over 20 million have died since the virus was discovered and 68,000 people acquire the virus each day.

In Rwanda, statistics from CNLS show that 3 percent are infected. Whereas there is a high rate of infection among young girls, (2 percent aged between 20-24), among boys the rate is relatively low, 0.7 percent of those in the same age bracket. After the discussion, they pledged to take voluntary counseling and testing of HIV/Aids.

The ex-combatants, after their return from D R Congo are educated on Rwanda’s current development activities, the refugee problem, self help projects and the genocide among other things.
