Should I wear braces?

Dear doctor; I have these crowded overlapping teeth. Four of them. They really look bad. Is it possible to extract some and realign the others or should I go braces? I have never liked the sight of braces as it makes one looks like they got rotten teeth.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Dear doctor;

I have these crowded overlapping teeth. Four of them. They really look bad. Is it possible to extract some and realign the others or should I go braces? I have never liked the sight of braces as it makes one looks like they got rotten teeth.

Anne, 19.

Dear Anne,

I can understand your problem. Overcrowded teeth can occur due to hereditary factors or can be the result of thumb sucking as a toddler or loss of one or more tooth. Apart from affecting  the looks, malalignment of teeth causes disturbed articulation, that is, affects quality of speech; difficulty in keeping them clean leading to recurrent gum or dental infections. This can lead to systemic infections.

 There are many options available for correcting such teeth. Sculpting is one such technique where the dentist would just drill or use laser to correct the overlapping, but this process can also weaken the teeth. In bonding, a hardening substance can be applied over the teeth which can then be reshaped. The dentist can also sculpt the teeth then put a mould like a show case of white color over the affected teeth to give a natural look. Invisalign devices are removable devices that are not visible and fixed over the teeth for correcting it. Using braces is a time-tested and effective method for correcting overlapping of the teeth. This includes use of wires that are put over affected teeth with some traction and gradually correct the malalignment. Braces with white colour like teeth are available, which can be worn toward the tongue so as not to be seen.

An orthodontist can decide the most suitable technique to employ, depending on the severity of overlapping and overall health of the teeth and gums. These procedures are expensive but give long-lasting results, especially in young adults.