Watching birds of Rwanda: Marabou Stork (Leptocrumeniferus)

Description: Head: Bald pink head with black spots. Small red patch on back of neck. Large pink pouch on the neck. Beak: Long and horn coloured. Body: Grey Back and white belly. Wings: Grey

Saturday, September 20, 2014


Head: Bald pink head with black spots. Small red patch on back of neck. Large pink pouch on the neck. Beak: Long and horn coloured.Body: Grey Back and white belly.Wings: GreyLegs: Grey.Sex: Both sexes look alike.Size: 152cm.


Marabou Stork

This bird is fairly common in Rwanda. It can be seen in Akagera NP and is becoming more common in Kigali.


Marabou storks are scavengers, eating pretty much anything they can find. Dead animals, trash and small fish.

Interesting Facts:

Some people find the Marabou Stork a very unattractive bird. Others think it is dirty because it is found near trash and dead animals. So much so, that in Kampala in 2007 many trees were cut down and chicks left to starve. However, in cities as a scavenger they perform a very important role in cleaning up mess made by people and in turn they help stop the spread of vermin and disease.

These birds are not always considered bad, the name Marabou comes from the Arabic "Murabit” a Muslim holy man or hermit. This is because the bird has the slow thoughtful mannerisms of a holy man.

Scavengers like these storks and vultures often have a bald head. This has evolved to prevent the feathers on the head becoming dirty and causing problems for the birds. Another striking feature of the Marabou Stork is the neck pouch, this is inflated and used during courtship rituals.

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