Sensitize more Rwandans on voting

Dear Editor, The forth-coming parliamentary election is something that many are looking forward to with excitement. This whole exercise is something that is welcomed by us patriotic  Rwandans.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dear Editor,

The forth-coming parliamentary election is something that many are looking forward to with excitement. This whole exercise is something that is welcomed by us patriotic  Rwandans.

However, it saddens me that not everyone is enthusiastic about the elections. So many people seem not understand the reason why the elections are important and necessary.

They should know that elections are a form democratic expression by the citizens of our country. Here they can choose whom-ever they feel is capable of leading and representing them in the parliament.

Some people especially those in the city are ‘too busy’ and may not get the time to vote,  they claim. However if they are sensitized on the importance of the forth coming elections they will realize that they are important both to them as individuals and the country at large.

Not forgetting the majority citizens in rural Rwanda, the NEC should also make efforts to spread awareness to these areas.

I encourage everyone not to ignore the voting exercise and to vote wisely. This will bring us together and enforce unity remember the saying; ‘United we stand and divided we fall.’
