Villages, cells cited in corruption

EASTERN PROVINCE NGOMA — An investigation into how Villages and Cells are administered in Ngoma district, by the Ombudsman has revealed certain levels of corruption among the grassroots leaders.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


NGOMA — An investigation into how Villages and Cells are administered in Ngoma district, by the Ombudsman has revealed certain levels of corruption among the grassroots leaders.

The report released at the district headquarters on Wednesday, by Augustin Nzindukiyimana, the Assistant Ombudsman in-charge of fighting corruption, revealed that some village and Cell leaders exhort money from residents before rendering services which are meant for free. The investigation was conducted in February and March this year.

Nzindukiyimana said the leaders have names that were used to ask for bribes. The names include ‘Inzoga yabagabo’ (A man’s alcohol) and ikaramu (pen) which were used to conceal the bribes.

Nzindukiyimana attributed the practice to lack of wages for the grassroots leaders. He however, issued a stern warning to the perpetrators, saying once caught they would face the law.

"These people took up their posts as leaders clearly knowing that they will not be paid. They should therefore do their work as they are entailed,” he said.

At the sector level, it was found out that Sector Advisory Councils (SAC) rarely hold meetings, which he said is the reason as to why some leaders get conflicts in the course of doing their work.

According to Nzindukiyimana there are rarely any follow ups of the government funded projects by the Sector Executive Secretaries.

In response however, the sector leaders said that they lack money to cater for transport of those meant to attend the monthly meetings, the reason they don’t hold them.

On the issue concerning the Frw68 million salary arrears owed to some district teachers, it was agreed that the Ombudsman’s office consults the line ministry.

Nzindukiyimana observed that the district report in general was good compared to other 16 districts where a similar investigation was conducted.

He called for transparency in giving jobs and urged everyone to fight corruption at all levels which he said it hinders development. Present at the meeting was all District Leaders’ Committee (DLC) and the District Advisory Council (DAC) among others.
