Exposed: Lodges turn into sex dens for school girls

The media recently reported that students who show up late for school are locked out. Critics castigated this policy and urged school authorities to take other measures in dealing with latecomers. The worry is where do the students who are turned away go?

Thursday, September 11, 2014
Our undercover reporter dressed as a student gets comfortable in one of the rooms of a lodge with no name.

The media recently reported that students who show up late for school are locked out. Critics castigated this policy and urged school authorities to take other measures in dealing with latecomers. The worry is where do the students who are turned away go? 

These students, usually dressed in uniform, save for a few who carry extra clothes in their backpacks, can be found in bars, local cinema shacks and based on The New Times undercover investigation, lodges are a safe haven for these students, especially girls who are lured by men to give in to sex in exchange for gifts.


Buy a copy of The New Times and read the rest of the story in the Society Magazine.