Your parents know best You should listen to your mother. Prayer changes everything and it’s good to have someone as a mediator, and that would be a pastor. You should go see a pastor as your mother has advised and believe that everything will be fine. There is nothing impossible with God. Marceline Mukakarera
Your parents know best
You should listen to your mother. Prayer changes everything and it’s good to have someone as a mediator, and that would be a pastor. You should go see a pastor as your mother has advised and believe that everything will be fine. There is nothing impossible with God. Marceline Mukakarera
Play it safe
You aren’t getting married to your mother or relatives. You are getting married to a man you will spend the rest of your life with. Better to be safe than sorry because sorry is what you will be if you rush into something. Relax and don’t let their words get to you. Paul Wanyama
Time is not on your side
Your parents have a reason they are telling you all this. They have been there before. You’re 31 and still single, time will come when you will feel the urge to get married and because you are too old, you will just rush into it without dating and knowing someone. I am not saying get married now but get to know someone already. Fabrice Kone
Your time will come
You should settle down. At 31 years you’re not old. . Even women at 40 get married and get children so don’t feel pressured by other people’s early marriage. Everyone has their own timing. Faridah Mukabalisa
Don’t rush into marriage
Marriage is a very complex thing. No one should be forced into it. It’s a personal choice and someone would rather be single than be with someone who makes them feel empty. Women aren’t marriage tools; they should give them a break for crying out loud. Stephanie Utuje