Is there treatment for asthma?

Dear doctor; I have asthma and I depend on inhalers for relief whenever I become wheezy or tight-chested. I have heard of alternative treatments, ranging from different breathing methods to herbal remedies. I don’t like having to carry around my inhalers everywhere with me and I don’t like being dependant on them. Are there alternatives treatments for asthma?

Monday, September 01, 2014

Dear doctor;

I have asthma and I depend on inhalers for relief whenever I become wheezy or tight-chested. I have heard of alternative treatments, ranging from different breathing methods to herbal remedies. I don’t like having to carry around my inhalers everywhere with me and I don’t like being dependant on them. Are there alternatives treatments for asthma?

Kabs, 24.

Dear Kabs,

As you would have learnt by now, asthma develops due to exposure to substances to which one has allergy. These can be substances present in atmosphere such as dust, pollens, spores, insect droppings, among others, or something used like creams, lotions and perfumes. One can have allergy to some food substance consumed, mostly protein containing foods like meat and eggs. Asthma usually runs in families, where a blood relative may be having asthma and or allergic rhinitis, eczema, among others, other manifestations of allergy. It is a  condition  which occurs due to susceptibility of one’s body to potential allergens (allergy producing substances) and, therefore, there is no total cure.

Inhalers are useful in aborting an attack of asthma and providing relief in somebody having chronic asthma. It is more effective and useful than tablets because they provide rapid relief and avoid side effects of tablets. Injections of bronchodilators (medicines opening air tubes) also provide immediate relief but cause painful prick.

Regarding herbal medicines, there are numerous ones available depending on local availability of certain herbs and personal experience. But scientific studies regarding most of them is lacking. Also the long term side effects are not known for all. Breathing exercises as in yoga are useful in preventing asthma attacks or reducing their severity. But if symptoms are aggravated, inhalers remain the best choice. Moreover, inhalers are very light and easy to carry.

Avoiding potential allergens is very useful in preventing asthma attacks. When in situations where one is exposed to dust, it is advisable to keep the nose covered. Regarding  food substances, one can identify allergy producing substances by excluding one substance from the daily menu for three to four days regularly. If symptoms resolve and then relapse after inclusion of a substance, that is most likely the one triggering asthma. Same applies to cosmetics and toilette products being used.