Rulindo businesses showcase innovation

Small entrepreneurs in Rulindo District say they are committed to work hard towards personal development and that of the district through continuous innovation.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Small entrepreneurs in Rulindo District say they are committed to work hard towards personal development and that of the district through continuous innovation.

Local business leaders made the commitment during the opening of a four-day expo in Rusiga Sector. They are showcasing innovations in crop and livestock products manufactured by small and medium enterprises in the area. Others items on show are handicrafts.

The expo is organised by the district and the Private Sector Federation.

Margarite Muhayimana, a member of Dushyigikirane Association that deals in handicrafts, farming and baking in Bushoki Sector, said working together had enabled members improve their lives.

"When we started, we almost had nothing, we only used to make arts crafts which generated little income, but we started modern farming and now we own a bakery,” she said.

"I can now pay for my family’s basic needs as well as education for my children”.

Immaculée Mukamusoni, who was exhibiting crafts, said her skills helped improve the living conditions of her family.

"My art and craft products are liked by many clients and are being exported to western countries. I am proud of them and committed to work hard to contribute towards national development,” she said.

Justus Kangwage, the district mayor, hailed the role played by the district’s private sector in the development of the country. He pledged continued support to develop projects by ensuring favorable environment for businesses to grow.

"We recognize the goodwill by residents who are working on various development products. Development is a process and we will insure cooperation with institutions such as banks,” said Kangwage.

Jean-Baptiste Hakizimana, the president of Join Action for Development Forum in Rulindo District, said they will keep working with residents and the district to contribute to its development.