I hate people who...

Hey I am not talking about anything related to sex. I am just shocked that someone in USA was shot by a nine-year-old he was training how to use a gun. What in the world would a nine-year-old child be doing learning how to fire an automatic machine gun?

Saturday, August 30, 2014

…allow children to play dangerous adult games. Hey I am not talking about anything related to sex. I am just shocked that someone in USA was shot by a nine-year-old he was training how to use a gun. What in the world would a nine-year-old child be doing learning how to fire an automatic machine gun?

Have people really lost their minds? It is bad when people die but I think this guy surely died because of his foolishness. Anyone who has the guts to hand a loaded gun to a nine-year-old must have written his will ages ago. Guns are not toys even for adults.   

…celebrate a lot when they graduate from university. I know I also had a party when I finished university, but I think some people take this a little too far. In this era where jobs are so scarce that some of us are paid to hate, one ought to go slow on celebrations.

I saw a picture of a girl who graduated and had a carpet (not red though) laid out for her to walk through and an arch made of palms branches just the ones that welcomed Jesus on Palm Sunday. If I didn’t know better, I would have thought the girl had just discovered the cure for Ebola. Instead, it was just a bachelor’s degree that was being celebrated by degrading the environment.  

…complain about the same thing they do. Speaking of people who utter annoying statements, there is that category of super annoying ones who love to complain about something without knowing they are guilty of the same. There is this part-time thinker who found me in the club the other night and complained that I am always partying.

I told him that since he has noticed then he must be partying as much, if not more. Another chap with spoilt milk instead of brains also told me how I tweet a lot. I just responded, "Then you also read tweets a lot.”

…fail to argue and resort to insults. It is quite shocking how many of this kind we have among us. I am talking about people whose brains go on holiday while they are in the middle of an argument. The ones who after running out of sensible things to say in a debate or argument will turn to personal attacks instead of just keeping their mouth shut.

If there is anything like mental Ebola, then these people must be suffering it. Why do people think they have to keep arguing even when they have nothing to say really? It is not like you are going to get a certificate of participation. 

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