Out of the frying pan into the fire

THE HOLIDAY has been really nice. I must say I enjoyed it immensely. Okay, save for the small incidences like the week when results came out and when my intern supervisor gave me a warning letter, everything else was smooth. 

Friday, August 29, 2014

THE HOLIDAY has been really nice. I must say I enjoyed it immensely. Okay, save for the small incidences like the week when results came out and when my intern supervisor gave me a warning letter, everything else was smooth. 

With just a week to start school, I haven’t told my father that there is an extra Rwf 100,000 he has to pay as part of the tuition to get my registration done. You want to know what the money is for? I am ashamed to say this but I got two retakes. Yes. Among all my friends I am the only one that had a retake but things happen and we all fall short sometimes. No one is perfect. Those are the excuses I keep in my mind for comfort. 

The easiest thing for a campus student to do is lie to their parents. It’s not like high school where they would find out in seconds. With the excuse that things have changed, one can get money for anything. 

He asked me what the money was for and I said without hesitation, "The brightest students will be taken for industrial training for one year so we need this money to facilitate that.” 

It wasn’t until my father met his friend and asked him if his son was going to be part of the ‘bright team’ doing industrial training that my lie was uncovered. The son said there was nothing like that. 

Thank God for WhatsApp. I got the news that my story had backfired before my dad got home. News got to me that my dad been to school to ask about everything. I packed a few things and run out of the man’s home before he found me there. 

When he arrived and found I wasn’t there, he sent me a text message that read, ‘When you come back, bring a stick’. I knew it was going to be an Israel – Gaza situation only that this time, it would be only side beating the other.  

Currently I am in hiding until my old man has cooled off. I am thinking about warming him with better results next semester or winning millions that will surely make him forget everything.