Editor's note

Dear readers Body modification procedures like skin lightening, breast and hip enlargement have been around for ages but never been close to home. We have read about these procedures in popular magazines like Vogue and for those who watch TV, Dr. 90210 to be specific, we’ve seen how it’s done.

Thursday, August 28, 2014
Rachel Garuka

Dear readers

Body modification procedures like skin lightening, breast and hip enlargement have been around for ages but never been close to home. We have read about these procedures in popular magazines like Vogue and for those who watch TV, Dr. 90210 to be specific, we’ve seen how it’s done.

But it looks like this extreme makeover madness is getting close. Too close.  It is not strange to see people these days, especially women, who grew up with a dark complexion and now have lighter skin or girls who were previously flat bottomed now running around with a rear end big enough to hold a tray of eggs.

Thanks to pills and cosmetics that promise to give them the desired look, some of these ladies will stop at nothing. Women Today looks into the misconceptions surrounding what beauty is, like why dark skin is just as beautiful as light skin. 

Our health Columnist Dr Rachna Pande explains how to identify and deal with constipated babies which is an issue that keeps most first time mothers up at night.

You are probably not familiar with classical music but music has no language, it is said that it speaks to the soul. Kyung-Wha Chung, one of the greatest violin players in the 70s and 80s is in the country for a charity mission. In an exclusive interview with The New Times, she tells her life story which has numerous lessons for women who are driven by a goal in mind.

For these and other interesting stories flip through the pages and feel free to send in your comments and suggestions.

Have a great week ahead.