Low turn out for family planning week

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — There has been a low turn up for ‘The Mother and Child Health Week’ that was concluded last week. Health workers noted, that there were very few married people that sought the family planning services.

Monday, August 25, 2008


MUSANZE — There has been a low turn up for ‘The Mother and Child Health Week’ that was concluded last week. Health workers noted, that there were very few married people that sought the family planning services.

Desire Senzeyi, the district health service monitor and evaluation officer attributed the low turn up to lack of enough sensitization. The health campaign week involved giving administering of vitamins and  de-worming tablets to infants.

In Musanze district, over 90 per cent of students received the administered doze. Eighty right per cent of the children received Vitamin A and B, 50 children were found to be malnourished and were referred to health centres.

The Ministry of Health, organised a ‘Mother and Child Health Week’, to reduce maternal and infant morbidity by offering efficient methods of sensitisation to the community.

According to the health reports, from 2005, infant mortality rate decreased from 86 to 62 per 1000 live births, the percentage of married women using contraceptives rose from 10 to 27 per cent.
