When Jackie Chan visited a graduation party

A few days ago, I read in the papers a story about Jackie Chan’s son who was arrested after a drug bust. This story reminded me of an incident when, several years ago, I was confronted by a Jackie Chan clone at a certain party.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

A few days ago, I read in the papers a story about Jackie Chan’s son who was arrested after a drug bust. This story reminded me of an incident when, several years ago, I was confronted by a Jackie Chan clone at a certain party.

Anyway, using the word ‘clone’ would be quite an exaggeration. But indeed, the person who visited us at this wedding was quite similar to Jackie Chan himself.

It was a party that had been organised by our good friend, Pato. Aggrey and I received an invitation card from Pato. It was not announcing wedding tolls for Pato. Instead, it was announcing that his nephew had graduated and that the party would take place at Pato’s home in Kiyovu. 

So, Aggrey and I prepared for the party by tasting some salt to keep our throats thirsty for frothy drinks. Pato was there to receive us when we arrived. His smile told it all. The garden was well decorated and plastic chairs were scattered everywhere. Flashy cars were already pulling up at the gate as guests arrived for bash. 

What was supposed to be a Graduation party full of boring speeches, turned out to be a full blast party. Crates of beers and sodas were unleashed. Guests drank and ate like there was no tomorrow. The speeches lasted five minutes only, then the rest of the evening belonged to merry making.

Close to midnight, the music became louder. Couples took to the grass and started to shake their bones. Occasionally, slow jams were played. Couples squeezed tight as the cold breeze swept across. The ground was already littered by hundreds of empty beer bottles. The D.J was superb as he scratched the discs.

But it was another great popular hit that really got the crowd to their feet. The song was none other than Ndombolo ya solo! When the D.J played this particular song, all guests leapt from their chairs and moved in for the kill. They danced in a manner that would put the best martial artiste to shame. It was like a combination of boxing and karate kicking. In the process, several kicks and fists criss-crossed, flooring a number of drunken visitors.

One would think that Jackie Chan himself had attended the party with his gang of fighters! We quietly crept away to safety.