Burning the bridge

So there was this very annoying supervisor at my place of internship. She was always in my face, tortured the interns with work and always abused and shouted at us when we did something wrong. I must admit some of these interns did silly things that even a 10-year-old wouldn’t do.

Friday, August 22, 2014

So there was this very annoying supervisor at my place of internship. She was always in my face, tortured the interns with work and always abused and shouted at us when we did something wrong. I must admit some of these interns did silly things that even a 10-year-old wouldn’t do. 

Well, we had to bear with this lady’s torture until the internship was over. We couldn’t help but count down the number of days that were left but we weren’t the only mathematicians in the house. She was also counting down. 

Life got so hard in our last week. She gave us work until about 9pm, asked us to go upcountry for this and that and all this, with very minimal allowance. 

On the day of signing our internship forms, she gave us work worth a week and asked us to hand it in for our signed forms.  We needed them and yet the work was too much. All in all, we did that one and she gave us the signed forms. 

There was only one day left to the end of the internship and we came to work late; but she couldn’t say a word since she didn’t have anything she could use against us. 

This is when we walked to her later in the evening and told her we were grateful for everything that she had done for us. I honestly said this from a sarcastic perspective since I couldn’t really remember any nice thing she did for us. She also realised this and told us to go back to school and learn something the following semester as our heads were "empty”. 

This is when all hell broke loose. One of the interns lectured her about her cruelty, how the company could be better without her and how she is by far the laziest of workers. That wasn’t enough though; we also attacked her car, how old it was, the very old maroon color it had and how bony and ugly her pet was because of how cruel she was to it. 

We walked out of the room like good guys after a good movie until our university told us that we needed to have another document signed by our respective internship supervisors. I don’t know how I am going to go back and face this lady.