Retired Army General arrested

Brig. Gen. (rtd) Frank Rusagara has been arrested, The New Times has learnt.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Frank Rusagara. (Internet photo)

Brig. Gen. (rtd) Frank Rusagara has been arrested, The New Times has learnt.

Rusagara, who was retired from the Rwanda Defence Forces last year, was arrested this week and investigation are still ongoing, Brig. Gen. Joseph Nzabamwita, the defence and military spokesperson, confirmed today to this newspaper.

Asked about reasons behind the arrest, Nzabamwita was non-committal only saying investigations were still underway.

Before his retirement, Rusagara had completed his duty of tour as Rwanda's Defence Attaché to the United Kingdom.

Prior to that posting, he had served as Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence, and Commandant of the Nyakinama Military College.

More details to follow...