Security strengthened as MP elections approach

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE — With 25 days left to the parliamentary elections, Huye district officials are tightening district security to have a safe and secure polling environment. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008


HUYE — With 25 days left to the parliamentary elections, Huye district officials are tightening district security to have a safe and secure polling environment. 

The commitment came yesterday from district Vice Mayor in charge of Economic Affairs Ildephonse Gasana as he was chairing a district security meeting. 

"Our population is very well prepared for these elections,” Gasana said.  He explained the first step was registering eligible voters on electoral lists. Later these voters were given electoral cards for the upcoming vote for MPs. 

Gasana said considerable effort has been made to convince residents that it is their moral obligation to vote to make sure their interests are represented in parliament. 

Open campaigning are set to begin today Monday and Gasana said it is everyone’s right to attend whatever candidate’s campaign rally they wish. 

"I really can’t say how many will turn up. Everyone can decide in secret, depending on a political party they belong to,” he said. 

Gasana explained that the district had worked hand in hand with national security organs, including the national electoral commission, to prepare for a secure election. 

"We hope no one will be hurt in any way, be it a political party or an individual campaigning,” he said. 

At the meeting, security and district officials also discussed housing for vulnerable people, street children and Gacaca jurisdictional issues.
