An expo to boost business

Expo 2008 opens on Thursday, August 28, in Gikondo. Many business people are lining up their products to show clients what they have in stock for them. The event, according to the organisers, will attract both local and international business people and Paul Kagame is expected to officiate the opening. Marry Wambua, one of the event organisers, said everything is on the course and she is optimistic this year’s event will be a success. According to Wambua, Expo 2008 is all about exposure, to provide businesspeople a platform to be able to trade and know what is happening in Rwanda.

Sunday, August 24, 2008
Marry Wambua. (Photo/S.Tumusiime).

Expo 2008 opens on Thursday, August 28, in Gikondo. Many business people are lining up their products to show clients what they have in stock for them.

The event, according to the organisers, will attract both local and international business people and Paul Kagame is expected to officiate the opening.

Marry Wambua, one of the event organisers, said everything is on the course and she is optimistic this year’s event will be a success.

According to Wambua, Expo 2008 is all about exposure, to provide businesspeople a platform to be able to trade and know what is happening in Rwanda.

She says the event provides opportunity for other businesses from other countries to come and participate by showcasing their products and in the process sell their products.

"This year’s expo is the eleventh. We hold it annually,” Wambua said in an interview last week.

The event is organised by the Private Sector Federation in partnership with Ministry of Trade and Industries.

Wambua explained that a stall is sold for Frw27,000. She says that big medium and small industries , government agencies, ministries and international businesspeople are expected to take part.

During the expo, traders will have an opportunity to share information with their customers with a view of improving the quality of the products.

"When the customers and producers meet, everybody gets to know where the weakness is and a way forward is discussed,” Wambua emphasised.

Wambua explained that investors will visit to identify business opportunities in the country and the possibility of exploiting virgin sectors.

"It is therefore a big opportunity to have such exhibition because it provides best information among the producers on how to improve their products in a bid to win as many clients as possible.”

Clients also get to know what new technology is on the market and have the advantage of comparing the different products and pick the best.

According to Wambua, the competition that comes with the expo tends to reduce the prices of would-be expensive products.

Wanbua urges the public to turn up and make the event colourful. The event is expected to attract between 15,000 and 20,000 people each day.
