Suspected Ebola case improving—MoH

The patient who was isolated in Kigali after showing Ebola like symptoms on Sunday is steadily recovering, the Ministry of Health has said.

Monday, August 11, 2014

The patient who was isolated in Kigali after showing Ebola like symptoms on Sunday is steadily recovering, the Ministry of Health has said.

A ministry statement released on Monday morning indicates that health officials continue to monitor the patient at an isolation facility in Kanombe Military Hospital.

"As we await for the results from the samples that were taken for tests, we would like to assure the public that the patient is at our isolation facility in Kanombe and as of today, his temperature has significantly gone down and he is recovering well from the malaria and other symptoms,’ it said.

Other people that were put in quarantine among them, nurses, doctors, health managers, cashiers, patients as well as other people who had been in contact with the suspected case have not shown any symptoms or signs of Ebola at this time and are doing well, according to the statement.

"Our surveillance and response team will continue to follow up on the situation and constant updates will be shared with the public as they come through.”

Ebola hemorrhagic fever is a highly contagious disease transmitted from person to person and characterised by fever, headache, joint and muscle pain, sore throat, weakness, diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pains and bleeding.

It is not an airborne disease.

The Government has put in place measures aimed at protecting Rwandans from Ebola but is also cautioning the public to remain vigilant and report any suspected cases immediately.

The Ministry says surveillance systems and emergency management systems are in place.

"Health workers have been trained across the country and are vigilant. This will enable timely detection, notification and appropriate management of any suspected cases to safeguard Rwandans.”

The Ministry advises anyone who presents signs and symptoms of Ebola to immediately seek medical attention at the nearest health facility or call hotline 114.

It is also appealing to the public to stay calm and continue with normal business.