I hate people who...

This is one group of people whose hatred will never cure. I will still hate them even on my death bed. I am talking about the ones who because there are cases of Ebola in 4 West African countries they go ahead to conclude there is Ebola in Africa.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

…still don’t know that Africa is not a country. This is one group of people whose hatred will never cure. I will still hate them even on my death bed. I am talking about the ones who because there are cases of Ebola in 4 West African countries they go ahead to conclude there is Ebola in Africa.

You wonder why these people cannot grasp simple geography. To them Africa is just one entity probably with wild animals roaming on the streets. If you do not know something very well why not save the world from your Ebola-like ignorance by staying quiet. 

…enjoy being alarmist on social media. We seem to have a new category of imbeciles who think it is ok to spread nasty rumours on social media. With the current Ebola epidemic in West Africa, some sick jokers had the guts to claim that the disease was now in Rwanda as well.

You wonder what someone stands to gain to by freaking out others over baseless rumours. And who said that because you have a website you are free to act as a medical person qualified to detect such a disease by sitting behind your cheap laptop. Some of these people do not deserve to be among us surely.  

…think that because they are successful they have haters. Alright I know I am a Hater by profession but that does not mean I cannot hate on some of our mediocre artists who after releasing one song go on to talk about how they have haters.

Some of them do not even wait to be famous beyond the corner shop to start these boring allegations.

You wonder why they do not just concentrate on making more music that we can enjoy instead of creating the illusion that they are so successful and are now being hated by others. Some of us don’t even know you, how can we hate you? That is quite confusing as well by the way. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293