Editorial: Inculcate progress ideass

A few years ago, shoes were treated as a luxury, not a necessity.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

A few years ago, shoes were treated as a luxury, not a necessity.

That’s why most parents would not ‘waste’ a penny on a pair of shoes for their beloved children. And for those that would afford, it was never a guarantee that you would be allowed to put them on.

However, things completely changed when the Government in 2006 gave schools instructions emphasising the role of wearing shoes in the improvement of health and sanitation.  

Today, every learner countrywide does not only own shoes but also wears them. This is a step in the right direction because it reduces the risk of catching Tetanus or developing cracked feet, among other risks.

If the Government managed to change people’s mindset about shoes in such a short time, it means the same can happen with other progressive ideas.Our leaders should simply seize the opportunity and continue to inculcate values and practices that are good for society. immediately.