My perfect weekend: Kwizera, 29, is a music producer, songwriter, singer and drum teacher

Personally, I would consider a perfect weekend as time free from office or other serious tasks. Time for relaxing and having fun with loved ones. On my perfect weekend I spend time with my family. And once in a while I also spare sometime to hung out with my friends, or even visit relatives. Before we had our baby, who is now sixteen months old, my wife and I used to go out lots, heading home in the early hours of the following day. However, now we are parents and have to take care of our baby, we rarely stay out late. The latest time is between midnight and 1 a.m.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Personally, I would consider a perfect weekend as time free from office or other serious tasks. Time for relaxing and having fun with loved ones.

On my perfect weekend I spend time with my family. And once in a while I also spare sometime to hung out with my friends, or even visit relatives.

Before we had our baby, who is now sixteen months old, my wife and I used to go out lots, heading home in the early hours of the following day.

However, now we are parents and have to take care of our baby, we rarely stay out late. The latest time is between midnight and 1 a.m.

On weekends, we tend not to eat meals at home. We normally go to Indian Khazana because their menu offers wonderful classic Indian dishes and also features healthy eating options together with a full range of vegetarian choices. We sometimes go to Serena for a real treat.

I’m one person who would die to have a break from home prepared meals once in a while. I have to be honest; I’m very lazy when it comes to weekends.

I normally wake between 10 and11 a.m and my beautiful wife gives me a massage. After a shower, I have my British breakfast, which normally includes sausages, two griddled eggs, mushrooms, crispy sauté potatoes, fresh griddled tomato, and toasted bread.

Some weekends we escape the town and head to Gisenyi for its cool and romantic nature. So really, at the weekends I try as much as possible to relax, but also plan for my week ahead.
