A life in the day of .... A hopeful singer

I wake up at 5 a.m. The first thing I do is wash my face. Then take shower and have breakfast. At 7 a.m., I head to my work place. It takes me 15 minutes to reach there.Though I am an artist, I also work as a hairdresser. These are the two professions that I have opted to do simultaneously. We start working at 8 a.m. At work, we are always busy and I cannot think about anything else apart from my job. I cannot bend into the music mood while serving clients. This would not look good to my boss. We normally get break at 1 p.m. and that is when I turn my attention to my ‘best profession’. As my workmates flock to kiosks and restaurants, I sit with a soft drink and some snacks, open my diary and start practicing my songs.

Saturday, August 23, 2008
The hairdresser who hopes to become a star. (Photo / D. Ngabonziza).

I wake up at 5 a.m. The first thing I do is wash my face. Then take shower and have breakfast. At 7 a.m., I head to my work place. It takes me 15 minutes to reach there.
Though I am an artist, I also work as a hairdresser. These are the two professions that I have opted to do simultaneously.

We start working at 8 a.m. At work, we are always busy and I cannot think about anything else apart from my job. I cannot bend into the music mood while serving clients. This would not look good to my boss.

We normally get break at 1 p.m. and that is when I turn my attention to my ‘best profession’. As my workmates flock to kiosks and restaurants, I sit with a soft drink and some snacks, open my diary and start practicing my songs.

I was born with my talent. I like it so much! Since my childhood, I have imitated other artists’ songs like those of R&B and hip hop stars.

My break winds up within one hour. At 2 p.m., I get back to my job, the money from which enables me to sing. With my colleagues, I have so far written eight songs. We are associated in a three man group called Three Man Squad (TMS).

Our songs talk about many things that can transform the society and our nation. We sing about love and social life in general. We try to pass on our teachings through our songs. We try to teach the younger generation how they can manage life and reach a brighter future.

My real music time comes after work. I get off at 8 p.m. From here, I immediately go home. I get back to my song dairy and practice until my housemaid brings supper. This time is paramount in my profession. I achieve a lot in the evenings after work.

I keep practicing until I get tired and go to bed at 11 p.m.
My vision is to become one of the celebrities in this country.

Contact: deave204@yahoo.com