I can’t hold urine for long

Dear doctor; I feel as if urine is constantly burning me and I can’t hold urine for long. Please advise? 

Monday, August 04, 2014

Dear doctor;

I feel as if urine is constantly burning me and I can’t hold urine for long. Please advise? 


Dear Kadogo,

As per your problem, it seems that you are suffering from cystitis, that is infection of the urinary bladder. This causes burning pain, frequency in urination and also urgency, i.e. need for urgent voiding. 

Women are more susceptible to develop cystitis due to multiple reasons, like low length of urethra (tube connecting bladder to exterior), poor menstrual hygiene, trauma during child birth, prolapse uterus, sexually transmitted infections, etc. 

Young men get cystitis only as sequel to sexually acquired infection. Elderly men develop cystitis due to presence of residual urine in the bladder, after voiding. This occurs secondary to an enlarged prostate gland, pressing on the bladder. Conditions which lower resistance of the body like diabetes, renal failure, etc. also make one prone to develop cystitis.

Diagnosis can be easily confirmed by microscopic examination of urine. Taking a mid stream morning sample (first urine passed in the morning, after discarding initial few drops) is best as it gives most accurate results. A complete course of any suitable antibiotic helps to cure the condition completely.

Drinking lots of water and maintaining good perineal hygiene help in preventing cystitis.