I have swellings in my armpits

Dear doctor; I have swellings in my armpits. What could be the cause? 

Monday, August 04, 2014

Dear doctor;

I have swellings in my armpits. What could be the cause? 


Dear Moses,

Swellings in the armpits are in all probability enlarged lymphatic glands. The glands can be enlarged due to any acute or chronic infection of adjacent area draining in the lymphatics. It can be infection in the neck, chest, arms or anywhere around. In case of bacterial infections, the swellings are usually inflamed and painful to touch. This is the most common cause as well. 

Use of unclean razors, wearing sweaty clothes for long hours, poor hygiene, etc. are some of the factors precipitating it. It can be secondary to chronic skin infections as well. Rarely T.B. of the glands can cause painless swelling in the armpits as well as neck. Chronic infections like H.I.V. can drain in lymphatics of all body causing painless swellings in neck, armpits as well as inguinal region. 

At times malignancy of the lymphatic system or of adjacent parts can spread to lymph nodes of arm pits causing swelling. But in this case, along with swelling there would be other features of malignancy as well like loss of appetite and loss of weight.

Best way for you is to consult a doctor and get suitable investigations done to know the cause. Once the cause is treated, the swellings will also clear up.