ULK-Gisenyi holds its first graduation ceremony

Three hundred twenty six students of Université Libre de Kigali in Gisenyi on September 16 received their 2006 academic degrees in the university’s first-ever graduation ceremony since its creation in 2001.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Three hundred twenty six students of Université Libre de Kigali in Gisenyi on September 16 received their 2006 academic degrees in the university’s first-ever graduation ceremony since its creation in 2001.

The ceremony took place at Umuganda Stadium in Gisenyi town, where 209 males and 117 females graduated. 

It was attended by, among others, Rubavu district Mayor Ramadan Baringayabo, members of parliament, rectors from various Rwandan and Congolese universities, military officers, police chiefs, along with students’ families.

Speaking at the function, Mayor Ramadan Baringayabo asked graduates to work hard towards the development of the country and towards the achievement of the Vision 2020.

"The government of Rwanda has set up development goals which include education for all and provision of equal opportunities to education for both sexes,” Baringayabo said.

"That is why it has decided to work hand-in-hand with the private institution like ULK that have the aim of providing quality education.”

School rector Dr. Alphonse Ngagi said that through efforts towards the contribution to the country’s development, ULK had undertaken to provide a high-quality education to the people of Rwanda.

"Through different programs of courses, we put a special emphasis on knowledge, professional know how, and social conduct” Ngagi said.

He further said that the university had provided students with a complete education based on scientific, intellectual, moral and professional values in order to produce true "development makers”  impregnated not only with scientific knowledge but also with solid value of justice, integrity and patriotism. 

Innocent Karangwa, speaking on behalf of gradates, thanked the university authority for their support and the Rwandan government for the support it provided to the university.

"The creation of ULK Gisenyi was an answer and a blessing to many students in Western and Northern Provinces who were isolated from higher institutions in Kigali and Butare,” he said.
Université Libre de Kigali was founded in March of 1996.

The school’s Gisenyi branch opened its doors in 200.

ULK Gisenyi has three faculties that of  Social Sciences, Economic Sciences and Management and Law.

It has 2549 students, 58.5 per cent of which are men.

The university has 166 lecturers, with 2 full professors, 15 senior lecturers, 69 associate and 80 assistant lecturers.
