I hate people who...

I think there is a new breed of hidden envy that manifests itself in lowlife folks laughing at successful people just because they for instance can’t speak good English.

Saturday, August 02, 2014

…laugh at successful people’s limitations. I think there is a new breed of hidden envy that manifests itself in lowlife folks laughing at successful people just because they for instance can’t speak good English.

I can’t hesitate hating such losers who think that because a musician for example cannot speak good English then it is something worth laughing about. First of all he is just as a musician not a literature professor. And if your English is better how come you are not that successful?

Nobody is perfect but one who laughs at other people’s imperfections tends to look the fool most of the time. 

…delay to pay you back that you need excuses for them to do so. We have all found ourselves in this situation where some joker assumes you are a humanitarian organisation. You lend them money but getting it back becomes so hard; you almost wish the UN would intervene.

These ill-mannered people push you to the extremes where you start making up excuses hoping they will find some sympathy and pay you. You tell them all the problems you can think of that could be solved by them paying you back what they owe you. Surely such people should not procreate. 

…insist on touching you when they talk to you. Unless you are blind and you need to touch me to know I am there, I really do not understand people who always assume that their hands must rest on my body for me to hear what they have to say. Sometimes it is a briefly friendly pat that is quite OK.

However the annoying ones are the ones who completely forget that their hand is not part of your body. Sometimes these hands are not that clean and you find a joker placing them on your white shirt. Surely these people got a raw deal when it comes to upbringing.  

…have no problem wiping sweat with their hands. The dry season is still here with us and the heat is sometimes unbearable. But what is disgusting is the sight of people who use their bare hands to wipe sweat off their faces instead of sing a handkerchief. As if that is not enough, these jokers tend to be very enthusiastic to shake hands with the rest of us.

It is a shame that such people still exist among us. I doubt they even bother to wash their hands before using their hands to eat. I think if Rwanda is to achieve its Vision 2020 goals, some of these jokers need to change or relocate to Eastern Ukraine.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293