WOMAN 2 WOMAN: A strong relationship is the heart of the home

As a woman in a home or preparing to have one, these are virtues you ought to strive for: True love, respect and kindness. These are virtues that should never leave you; like the Bible says, you should “tie them around your neck” and you will be the happiest woman ever.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

As a woman in a home or preparing to have one, these are virtues you ought to strive for: True love, respect and kindness. These are virtues that should never leave you; like the Bible says, you should "tie them around your neck” and you will be the happiest woman ever.

You will be happy because these are virtues that will help you form stronger alliances and bring more closeness and trust to your relationship. A strong, healthy relationship is one in which the partners show respect and kindness toward each other as a family.

The relationship forms a rewarding and enduring bond of trust and support. For instance if your husband or boyfriend loses his job, it does not mean that you should disrespect him. Instead support him and be there for him emotionally.

If you have exchanged marriage vows and before God promised that you will be with your husband through good time and bad, there is no reason for you to disrespect your husband just because he is temporarily jobless.

The other important aspect that can help you build strong relationships is kindness which goes hand in hand with care. You must care most importantly for your children, your husband’s relatives and friends.

Make sure that your children lead healthy and happy lives. Happiness is the cornerstone for a bright future for your children. You can show that you care by visiting your in-laws and caring for them when they visit your home. 

Very few relationships survive the wrath of in-laws especially in conservative homes. On the other hand they are also part of your family and you will need them at some stage in your relationship.

If your husband loses a relative, be there for the family, attend the burial ceremony and counsel the family about the loss. Remember it is during bad times that one gets to know their true friends.

Sharing joy and sorrow as a family will help you create a strong bond. Relationships require ongoing cooperative action to survive and thrive. They are part of the give and take that empowers strong and enduring relationships.

However do not forget to acknowledge your most important relationship: the relationship with yourself. You cannot form a stronger relationship with others than you have with yourself. You will attract the qualities in others that are already within you.

Contact: ubernie@gmail.com