Investigate porn reports

Editor, Refer to the story ‘Who is behind the discreet porn industry in Rwanda?’ (The New Times, August 1). 

Friday, August 01, 2014


Refer to the story ‘Who is behind the discreet porn industry in Rwanda?’ (The New Times, August 1). For those who have lived in Kampala, Uganda, they will not be surprised that this is actually happening in our midst. We need to do a lot of sensitisation among our girls, especially those from poor families, to reverse the trend.

I thank The New Times for raising awareness about this problem.

Kyalimpa, Rwanda


Thanks to The New Times for bringing this issue into public domain, especially with the detailed facts.  Keep it up! That "Madam” is simply annoying; she could even be a mother. It’s a shame that some of the adults exploit the young ones because of their vulnerability. I hope authorities will investigate these cases and punish those responsible.

Isabelle, Rwanda