When organisers of Gen Z Comedy Show, comprised of young and upcoming talented comedians, announced its relocation at Camp Kigali, known for hosting big events, some people speculated that the show could flop. However, the show made a statement after hosting their first live show to a full house, on the evening of September 21.
The show kicked off an hour late but the organisation, from the tickets desk to the protocol team that made sure everyone sat on their deserving seats, made up for the lost time.
The number of attendees kept on growing as Fally Merci, founder and host of the show was given the floor to start while DJ Platy Wanyama, the show’s deejay since its inception, played music for the audience.
Coming up on stage, Merci was given a warm welcome by the crowd that was eager to see what the show had in store given that most of the headliners were new or had performed only a few times on the stage of the comedy show that successfully established itself among big and consistent comedy shows in Kigali.
The comedy which was attended by many famous figures like Clapton Kibonke, Ndimbati, Deejay Sonia, Symphony Band and Mani Martin among others saw performances of different Gen Z rising talents including Ambuteyaje, Sanyu Inkirigito, Hurbert, pirate, Rumi, Umuyange, Mavide and Pazo among others.
Hurbert, a young comedian, had a great performance that he will remember as one of the best stages during his rise. With his humor and fun appearance, the comedian made the crowd burst into laughter throughout his time on stage.
He joked around how rich kid’s schools are very different from poor schools which he says he attended growing up.
"You can easily identify a kid from a rich school to that from a poor school like me. We only met them when there were anti-drug programs but my school was a chaos.
A rich kid would literally tell the teacher that they put dirt on their shoes because they stepped on them but kids from poor schools would report you to the teacher for the most ridiculous thing like eating his avocado when we were at an anti-drug program,” he joked.
Mavidi and Pazo, two common faces at the Gen Z comedy complemented each other and their bond is undeniable which plays a big role on their stages.
The duo joked about pastors’ interpreters who lie to their audience when it comes to translating from English to Kinyarwanda. They did an interpretation of a Jamaican pastor and the joke left revelers jumping over their seats out of joy.
Funnyman Merci Ndaruhutse, commonly known as Fally Merci could not l leave the stage without cracking a joke and teasing the famous figures in the building.
He joked about how comedian Kibonke looks like a plastic bag while actor Ndimbati looks like an envelope.
Rapper Kivumbi King also graced the show with acapellas of some of his songs and responded to silly questions from fans who were having a blast. Asked what the easiest part of making his music is, he responded that the composition is the easiest and making videos is the toughest since it requires quite a lot of money.
Shauku Band also entertained revelers with an outstanding performance that they seemed to enjoyed.
The show ended at 10:10 pm.