The secret to success

The education system of Rwanda encourages school goers to pursue education at all levels in order to attain lucrative skills. To many college goers, the question is: “Will I make it, or is it necessary to?” But it all boils down to success and how to attain it while at college.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The education system of Rwanda encourages school goers to pursue education at all levels in order to attain lucrative skills. To many college goers, the question is: "Will I make it, or is it necessary to?” But it all boils down to success and how to attain it while at college.

Success, together with its synonyms like triumph, accomplishment and achievement among others means something turning out well as had been planned. And once everything goes as planned, one feels a victor but it’s not as easy.

So how can one become successful? The professional astrologer Jenna uses two important words — "I command”— that can make you be or have what you want. This implies that when one wants success, they must command it. For instance you can say: "I command success in ...”. These words will always lead you to what you want as long as you know what you want. 

Going to university or college is a great feeling for mot students. The freedom, the feeling of maturity, luxury, self-esteem, pride and beauty are some of the things occupy a student’s mind. Amidst everything that goes on around you at college, it is sometimes easy to lose sight of the end goal — graduation. But when you finally get the diploma or degree, what will it mean? What will you have learned and done?

Academic victory comes in many forms. For most students, it is a stellar transcript that opens doors to a great job. To others it is an opportunity to get married or rest.  With so much going on at college though, how can you make sure you are headed down a path towards your academic success and towards a truly rewarding college experience?

Always try explore by yourself

You may arrive at college knowing well that you are destined to become a teacher, doctor or lawyer. You may also arrive with a slight idea of what you want to major in. This is common with students who ignore career guidance sessions.

No matter what end of the spectrum you are, you should let yourself explore everything that your school has to offer academically. Take lessons in subjects you have never done before. Follow the passion that does relate to your major and just let yourself learn from your environment.

Take honest choices, accept consequences

Not only should choices be honest but also informed. With no doubt, there will be many people giving you advice on what you should choose to do during and after college. And while you are at the university, you will at some point have to draw your own line in the sand.

Pick up a career and course that best suits you as a Rwandan student, not your friend in Belgium or your parent. Pay attention to what is really burning deep inside you and learn what you are really passionate about.

Make sure you are happy at your college. Once you have made your choice, feel confident about your decision and do all you can to learn from the sources around you. Know how to pick a college course and decide if you should change or not.

Learn outside school

It is significant that you spend a great deal of your time in class and laboratories learning new materials. But what are you doing the other hours of the week?

The way you spend your time outside of class is a critical part of the challenges of your college experiences — and in essence of the education you receive at college. Make the most of this time. Join clubs that explore your interests. However, do something that you will look back and be proud of.

Remember to be balanced

College everywhere be it in Rwanda or elsewhere in the world can be overwhelming and while you are focused on doing well academically, there might be multiple parts of your life that are keeping you from doing so. Maintaining a healthy balanced life at college is challenging but important.

Make sure you avoid stressful things and concentrate on those that keep you healthy. Go to the gym, attend religious events or jog everyday. In this sense, take care of the whole of yourself, not only the brain.

Since school is a lifetime investment, you should not settle for anything other than success. Below are some tips on how to become a successful student.

* Develop a school plan.* Identify your goal and priorities.* Prepare academically and financially for college.* Manage your time so that you don’t waste any of it for it is costly.* Practice good financial management in order to avoid the stress that may arise from lack of up keep.* Ask for advice and stay in touch with your academic advisor always.* Get round road blocks that can fail your achievements.* Enjoy the college or university experience and be part of it.* Share your knowledge and findings with other students who have similar passions as yours.

The writer is a teacher