Instilling ICT skills in school going children is brilliant

Dear Editor, I would like to commend the effort that RITA together with the ministry of Education have made to include and improve ICT skills in primary and secondary education.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Dear Editor,

I would like to commend the effort that RITA together with the ministry of Education have made to include and improve ICT skills in primary and secondary education.

The One Laptop-per- Child (OLPC) project is one of great brilliance and at the same time vital.

Just like in the developing countries where children are trained in ICT at kindergarten level, training the children of Rwanda in ICT by giving them laptops each will improve their education levels and standards.

With laptops, children are able to access the internet for their curriculum; they can perform wide and broad research on the various topics that they study. This opens their minds to the different things that are happening around the world at any given time.

Raising the children of Rwanda to be informed of current issues is surely a huge step forward to transforming the country’s economy from an Agro based one to a Knowledge based economy.

The government of Rwanda in conjunction with all the ICT sectors should not lag in their efforts to instil the Rwandan child with ICT skills.

This is both an investment that is worth all the millions of dollars injected in it because the benefits are for all to enjoy.
