I want to alter my voice. Can I have a surgery in Rwanda?

Dear doctor; I have been reading on the Internet that you can have surgery to alter your voice. I really hate mine: it’s very nasal and too deep for my feminine life. Is there a way I can have such a surgery in Rwanda and what would it require?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Dear doctor;

I have been reading on the Internet that you can have surgery to alter your voice. I really hate mine: it’s very nasal and too deep for my feminine life. Is there a way I can have such a surgery in Rwanda and what would it require?

Nina, 19.

Dear Nina,

You are too young to  form an opinion  that you hate your own voice. Ask the ones loving you, they would really be  loving your voice as well. There are surgical techniques available where alteration  in the tension of vocal cords can help to augment the pitch of the voice. They are useful in cases of transgenders, where change of voice from masculine to feminine pitch  makes them more normal as individuals. 

Diseases of the larynx which cause hoarseness like chronic laryngitis due to scarring,  tumors of larynx,laryngeal polyps, etc. are said to be some indications for laryngoplasty or corrective surgery. But like any other surgery, there is risk of infection, other complications and recurrence if underlying cause is persistent. These surgeries are currently not available in Rwanda. 

You can try to modulate the voice by trying to consciously speak at a pleasant pitch regularly. Gradually it will improve as per your wish. Professional voice therapists can help in this.