I hate people who...

I know we are always taught to treat visitors well but some of them make this whole lesson pointless with their silly manners. Take for example those who leave their countries to come and work here and then spend all their free time complaining about the people they found here.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

…are always complaining about those they visit. I know we are always taught to treat visitors well but some of them make this whole lesson pointless with their silly manners.

Take for example those who leave their countries to come and work here and then spend all their free time complaining about the people they found here.

I really wonder why such people don’t just do the noble thing and get back on the plane and return to wherever they came from if they cannot stand the people here. I am not saying they should not complain but they should not make it a habit too. 

…think everything has to be about them. We have all come across these kinds of people. The ones who are so self obsessed that when they attend a wedding all they will do is take selfies of themselves and post so many of them on their Facebook wall without even including the newly wedded couple.

These are the same people who do not shy away from taking selfies even at a funeral. They have this annoying belief that they should give us pictorial evidence of everything they do or places they go to.

How I wish your phone gets a terminal disease one of these days. 

…cannot have the decency to allow others to grieve properly. Each day I live, I seem to find someone who breaks the record for how low mankind can go.

I seriously hate the people who think when someone has lost a dear one they should crack stale jokes about it. Someone needs to tell these people that they need not open their mouths every time.

I see people posting a lot of stupid things on Facebook for example when death occurs. I cannot repeat the stupid things here because I am saving energy to punch these people the next time I meet them.

…are in the habit of celebrating meaningless achievements. When we achieve anything in life, we love to congratulate ourselves. However, this ought to be rationally. How, for example, does one celebrate moving to a new house that he is actually just renting.

Don’t you just hate brainless fellows who spend money on ‘house warming’ yet they have to pay rent for the same house they are warming.

Listen buddy, you cannot warm a house that is not yours. Save that money for when you have completed your own. Stop looking for excuses to get intoxicated.

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293