My pregnancy makes me crave wine

I am three months pregnant but only confirmed it last month. I used to drink not knowing I was pregnant.  After I found out, I tried to cut down but unfortunately my love for wine has heightened.  I crave it almost all the time. So I take a glass or two... sometimes three a day.  But every time I do it I feel so guilty yet I can’t help myself.  Will this wine damage my baby? Will it make a difference if I stop now? I really want to but my craving won’t let me. What can I do?

Thursday, July 24, 2014
Rachna Pande

I am three months pregnant but only confirmed it last month. I used to drink not knowing I was pregnant.  After I found out, I tried to cut down but unfortunately my love for wine has heightened.  I crave it almost all the time. So I take a glass or two... sometimes three a day.  But every time I do it I feel so guilty yet I can’t help myself.  Will this wine damage my baby? Will it make a difference if I stop now? I really want to but my craving won’t let me. What can I do?


Dear Tina
You are lucky to conceive in spite of drinking alcohol regularly, because regular alcohol consumption can impair fertility in both men and women.  Alcohol is harmful for the body   as it is toxic to the liver, pancreas, stomach, nerves, blood vessels and brain. 
It is also an independent risk factor for hypertension, diabetes, stroke and heart attacks. Alcohol interferes with hormonal balance in the body and can cause menstrual abnormalities and sterility in women and impotence in men.  It’s potential to cause addiction is also harmful. Because once somebody gets addicted to alcohol, he/she finds it very difficult to give it up in spite of knowing or even suffering from the health risks caused by it.  
The harmful effects depend on the duration of drinking, type and quantity of alcohol consumed, age of the individual and his/her overall health and life style.  
Alcohol is equally harmful during pregnancy. It can cause abortion in early pregnancy and intrauterine death later on. It is also known to lead to low birth weight babies. The baby’s body is formed during the first three months. Hence alcohol consumed during this period can result in physical abnormalities in the child like neural tube defects. 
The most significant harmful effect of using alcohol during pregnancy is fetal alcohol syndrome. This occurs because alcohol passes from the mother to the fetus through the placenta. Liver of the fetus is not mature enough to metabolize it correctly. The accumulated alcohol harms the development of the nervous system of the baby.  Thus the baby born has impaired intellect, has learning and grasping problems along with language problems, does not pick up social behaviour and may be hyperactive and inattentive. More so, this child may have brain, liver and kidney damage, weak immune system and even heart problems.
It has not been quantified as to how much alcohol is safe during pregnancy. Experts advise that even if a woman plans to become pregnant, she should quit alcohol altogether. However if somebody finds it difficult to give up alcohol altogether, it is advised to reduce the quantity of alcohol consumed and drink it with long intervals. 
One to two units of alcohol per week are said to be okay though not safe.  One unit of alcohol is equivalent to 10ml or 8 grams. This is approximately the amount an average adult can process in one hour inside the body.  Quantity and concentration of alcohol is variable for each type of drink, but every drink is harmful during pregnancy.
In a simple way it can be said that avoid drinking alcohol until it becomes unbearable.  Tranquilizers are not advisable to take during pregnancy to overcome uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. Professional counselors are available which help one to give up alcohol.
Dr. Rachna is a specialist in internal medicine at Ruhengeri Hopsital