Editor's note

Dear readers There’s not a soul on the planet that does not shudder at the sound of the word cancer. When procedures are put into place to help detect the dreaded disease at an early stage, hence, having better chances at beating it, you would think people would be crawling over themselves for the opportunity.

Thursday, July 24, 2014
Rachel Garuka

Dear readers

There’s not a soul on the planet that does not shudder at the sound of the word cancer. When procedures are put into place to help detect the dreaded disease at an early stage, hence, having better chances at beating it, you would think people would be crawling over themselves for the opportunity.

Women who have not been examined before imagine that the life saving cervical cancer examination known as a pap smear is similar to having a tooth removed – specifically with no anesthetic! At the very least, they insist that if it is not painful, it is still extremely embarrassing to have someone examine their private parts – more so a stranger. 

But even though those who have had it describe it as something quick and slightly uncomfortable at the most, it is extremely worrying that women will put their comfort ahead of their own health.  In our lead story, a few women talk about their issues with the procedure and health experts tell you why it is imperative to get examined.

‘It’s just a glass of wine’ a pregnant woman might say, unaware of the damage she is doing to her unborn child with every sip. This week, Dr Rachna advises a young lady whose love for wine chose a bad time to heighten.

Flip through for more interesting stories and feel free to send us comments or any questions you may have.

Have a great weekend.