Full list of new Cabinet
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Minister Francis Kaboneka.

Prime Minister:Anastase Murekezi

Agriculture and Animal Resources:Géraldine Mukeshimana

Cabinet Affairs:Stella Ford Mugabo

CEO, Rwanda Development Board, and Cabinet Minister:Francis Gatare

Defence:James Kabarebe

Disaster Management and Refugee Affairs:Séraphne Mukantabana

East African Community Affairs:Amb. Valentine Rugwabiza

Education:Prof. Silas Lwakabamba

Finance and Economic Planning:Claver Gatete

Foreign Affairs and Cooperation:Louise Mushikiwabo

Gender and Family Promotion in the Prime Minister’s Office:Oda Gasinzigwa

Health:Dr Agnès Binagwaho

Infrastructure:James Musoni

Internal Security:Sheikh Mussa Fazil Harerimana

Justice:Johnston Busingye

Local Government and Social Affairs:Francis Kaboneka

Natural Resources:Dr Vincent Biruta 

Office of the President:Vénantie Tugireyezu

Public Service and Labour:Judith Uwizeye

Sports and Culture:Joseph Habineza

Trade and Industry:François Kanimba

Youth and ICT:Jean-Philbert Nsengimana



Minister of State in the Ministry of Agriculture:Tony Nsanganira

Minister of State in charge of Primary and Secondary Education:Olivier Rwamukwaya

Minister of State in charge of Technical and Vocational Education and Training:Albert Nsengiyumva

Minister of State in charge of Cooperation:Amb. Eugène-Richard Gasana

State Minister in charge of Public Health and Primary Health CarePatrick Ndimubanzi

Minister of State in charge of Energy and Water:Germaine Kamayirese

Minister of State in charge of Transport:Dr Alexis Nzahabwanimana

Minister of State in charge of Social Affairs:Dr Alvera Mukabaramba

Minister of State in charge of Mining:Evode Imena

Minister of State in charge of Economic Planning:Dr. Uzziel Ndagijimana