Editor, We import cotton for Utexrwa, we import wheat grain for Azam, we import sunflower and soy bean for cooking oil and we import raw avocados for fresh fruits market. It is alarming. It is even a shame that we have industries which totally rely on imported raw materials.
We import cotton for Utexrwa, we import wheat grain for Azam, we import sunflower and soy bean for cooking oil and we import raw avocados for fresh fruits market. It is alarming. It is even a shame that we have industries which totally rely on imported raw materials.
I dare not fear to say that we are a disguised raw-material colony of Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda.
The scenario gets worse when you consider that we are the most densely populated country in Africa and second in the whole world (just after South Korea).
In the long term planning of Kayonza District, we should expect population increase and of course high demand for food crops all of which are synonymous with increased land use.
As usual land remains a constant. What will become of the soya processing plant? Dr. Agnes Kalibata says 30,000 Ha are earmarked for soya growing. We hope this land use will be maximised. All in all, let’s work hard as a country to utilise our meager land.
James Munanura, Rwanda
Reaction to the story, "Gov’t seeks to reduce edible oil imports” (Sunday Times, July 20)