I’m the friend with benefits

I’ve known Cathy for about two years now and while she is a good friend, I wish she wasn’t so stingy. 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I’ve known Cathy for about two years now and while she is a good friend, I wish she wasn’t so stingy. 

At first, I thought she didn’t have money, which is not unusual for someone starting a new job. Any jobseeker will be familiar with the hunt which may have lasted months or even years without income, so while you will be happy to finally be employed, you will also be anxious about lunch, transport and clothes.

I’m yet to find a company that gives new employees an advance and most people must wait at least a month before getting any payment. Having been in that situation myself, I decided I would help Cathy whenever I could. If she wanted to make a call and I had credit, I’d let her use my phone. If we were on the bus to or from town and the fare collector came around, I’d pay for both of us since it’s not that much. 

I also usually have sugar and coffee and I told her I didn’t mind sharing. I didn’t think a time would come when I’d regret being that nice. Cathy doesn’t have a sick child or relative to spend her money on. She’s just one of those people who’re comfortable taking as much as they can from you without giving back. 

Not so long ago, a colleague was getting married and all staff were asked to contribute something so we could buy a meaningful present for him. Cathy had an excuse every time the treasurer came around. 

Either she hadn’t been to the bank, didn’t have change or had used the money for something but would surely pay the following day. Funny thing is that she was the first person to sign the card and the rest of us just looked on in disbelief. 

A number of us carry snacks to office for that morning break but Cathy always says she was in such a hurry to get to work she forgot to pack something and proceeds to grab your bread or Samosas. 

As for lunch, she’ll hear you placing your order and when you ask whether she’d like to order too, she’ll say she’s not hungry or already ate. Once the food comes, she’ll not stop remarking how "it must taste as good as it smells” until you invite her to have some. 

If sales people happen to pass by office, for example with jewelry or makeup, she’ll pick something out and reach for her bag. A few minutes later, she’ll start jeering before tossing the bag aside, saying she left her purse home. 

The first time she did that, I actually believed her and she swore she’d pay me back the very next morning. I’m still waiting and not just for that money but for the numerous scarves, bracelets and hair-clips she has ‘borrowed’ from me. These days, I dread her visits because if she continues taking my stuff, I may soon have nothing left.