Let’s learn from fire incidents

Editor, Yes indeed, each of us can come up with a diagnosis following the recent fire outbreaks in Kigali. Let us undertake the exercise rather in a more rational way that will definitely be more beneficial than mere improvisation by everyone.

Friday, July 18, 2014


Yes indeed, each of us can come up with a diagnosis following the recent fire outbreaks in Kigali. Let us undertake the exercise rather in a more rational way that will definitely be more beneficial than mere improvisation by everyone.

Awakened to the problem by the recent successive fires in the City of Kigali, every other city, town and umudugudu should immediately institute a multi and trans-disciplinary expert think-tank on how to prevent and solve similar actual and/or potential fire problems.

Views of the commentators on this article should be formed in that perspective and referred to in a "clinical” research approach. Otherwise, once more like in many other instances, those recent fire incidents in Kigali will be another missed opportunity for us to learn from and hopefully improve on the "faulty” imported building system.

François-Xavier Nziyonsenga, Rwanda

Reaction to the letter, "Install more public fire hydrants” (The New Times, July 18)