My room turned into a World Cup stadium

WHEN THE World Cup was about to start, I noticed my dad was in a very excited mood so I used that to my advantage and asked him to lend me the extra TV at home just for the World Cup duration and also pay for me subscription for that month. Well, I expected a no and a heated argument considering last semester’ results but to my shock, he agreed.

Friday, July 18, 2014

WHEN THE World Cup was about to start, I noticed my dad was in a very excited mood so I used that to my advantage and asked him to lend me the extra TV at home just for the World Cup duration and also pay for me subscription for that month. Well, I expected a no and a heated argument considering last semester’ results but to my shock, he agreed. 

Immediately, I jumped onto a motorbike with my new TV knowing well that it would never find its way back home again. It wasn’t that anyway. I was in time to catch the first match. 

In record time, my room became a stadium. Students came in groups so large to watch the games that had I collected money from them, I would have been able to fly to Brazil for the final. People got so comfortable that they no longer had to wait for the games to come to my room. They would walk in anytime like it was some kind of pub. 

The worst came to the worst when I found some large boy sleeping on my bed as he waited for the game. His dirty plate was just next to my bed, which showed that he had just had a heavy meal and had to rest it off. Because the room was stuffed with many people, he was even sweating. I have never been prouder of my skills of throwing people out.

The following day there was a huge game. People came from all corners of the campus. As courtesy to my very clean floor, they removed their shoes but I can’t explain in words the diversity of stinks that hit the room.  An energy company could have collected biogas from there to make over 10MW of electricity. 

Today, my mattress has lost shape because of the number of people that were sitting on it during the World Cup days. I totally lost my cool when this Brazilian fan got so mad at how Brazil was beaten so easily and broke my juice glasses. For crying out loud, they were the only two glasses I had left and I had a girl coming over on the weekend. How was I supposed to say "cheers” when she was the only one holding a glass? That is a story for another day though.