Yes we need affirmative action in schools

Editor, How can university leaders reject affirmative action when this has been mandated in our Constitution and is so successful at parliamentary level? And how can they blame the gross disparity in enrolment at the University of Rwanda on girls’ and families’ personal aspirations or expectations?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


How can university leaders reject affirmative action when this has been mandated in our Constitution and is so successful at parliamentary level? And how can they blame the gross disparity in enrolment at the University of Rwanda on girls’ and families’ personal aspirations or expectations?

The equal enrolment of girls and boys in private universities is evidence of Rwandan girls’ personal aspirations and their parents’ high expectations for their daughters.

Equal enrolment in primary education is not enough - equal attendance and achievement in primary and secondary schooling is essential. Continued efforts to counter discrimination are necessary - and to increase women in uni admin as well.

Shirley Randell, Australia

Reaction to the letter, "Do Rwandan female students need Affirmative Action?” (The New Times, July 15)