I hate people who...

Ever been in a supermarket and found yourself in a situation where you just want to punch someone in the face? I often find myself in this situation and I restrain myself because of the CCTV cameras.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

…stand in supermarket aisles and start lousy conversations. Ever been in a supermarket and found yourself in a situation where you just want to punch someone in the face? I often find myself in this situation and I restrain myself because of the CCTV cameras.

I am talking about the idle minds with the habit of blocking everyone when they start conversations in the aisles forcing us to go all the way around so as not to interrupt their moment of stupidity. A supermarket is a place you go to shop not catch up with people about work and family. That you can do at the coffee shop outside. 

…make calls during meetings without excusing themselves. I do not know how many times I have suggested that phones be sold to people only after they have passed a basic test of phone etiquette. I am sick and tired of guys who make calls in the middle of meetings.

I am busy talking to you, yet you are busy calling someone inconsequential just like that? What happened to asking to be excused? Who raised such bad mannered people in the first place? If the aliens ever come to this planet, I hope they take such fools away first. 

…humiliate others when they go to visit them. This goes out to the German footballers who took it upon themselves to grossly humiliate their host, Brazil, by thumping them seven goals before they could respond. Who in their right mind does that to a host? Why not just do a 3-0 and move on?

Now because of that score the dreams of many have been shattered. Imagine all the young boys who grew up being told that Brazil is a football giant only for them to swallow more goals than one can count on one hand. Please Germans, next time be kind to your rivals.  

…crash the hopes of millions of their own people. Dear Brazilians, some of us looked the other way when you gave us a lousy opening ceremony for the 2014 World Cup. We even pretended not to notice how the referee made the first game easy for you.

When you played a rough game against Colombia we did not mind because, hey you are our hosts and wished you the best. But how you decide to swallow 5 goals in 30 minutes is still very confusing.

You have 200 million people cheering you at home and many more around the world and this is how you return the favour? You need to apologise at least. 

Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to thehater2009@gmail.com or text me at +250 788 545293