ORTPN to spend Frw144m on communities around Akagera

EASTERN PROVINCE GATSIBO — The Rwanda Office of Tourism and National Parks (ORTPN), on Tuesday unveiled 21 community projects in areas surrounding Akagera National Park. The projects are estimated to cost Frw144 millions.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


GATSIBO — The Rwanda Office of Tourism and National Parks (ORTPN), on Tuesday unveiled 21 community projects in areas surrounding Akagera National Park. The projects are estimated to cost Frw144 millions.

Unveiling the projects in a function held at Rwikiniro primary school, the Director General of ORTPN, Rosette Rugambwa, described tourism as a key economic driver.

"The projects are sponsored by funds obtained from tourism under revenue sharing policy where 5 % of revenues generated from tourism are allocated to community projects,” Rugambwa said.

Reflecting on the impact of such projects, Rugambwa cited Kageyo primary that now has 550 enrolled pupils compared to 130 pupils who used to attend classes under tree shades.

Other schools constructed under ORTPN’s community projects include Rwikiniro primary school and Rwimbogo secondary school. The two schools were officially launched on the same day.

While in Rwimbogo accompanied by the Mayor of Gatsibo district, Vianney Murego, the executive Secretary of Rwimbogo Sector, Fred Murara Kazora, and residents, Rugambwa laid 2 foundation stones; one for the construction of a cultural centre intended to benefit women basket weavers in Abadahemuka cooperative.

While the other was for the construction of a grain milling plant for maize growers in a cooperative known as COOPARWI. The two projects are sponsored by ORTPN and are scheduled to commence soon.

Urging teachers, school children and residents of Rwimbogo, who turned up for the event, Rugambwa said tourism is a successful tool for poverty reduction and therefore called on them to conserve wildlife and their habitats. 

"The more you protect the national parks, the more you reap much out of it,” she noted.

Murego appealed to residents to comprehend the importance of national parks but especially to feel ownership of it and protect it from poachers and other threats.

"We thank ORTPN for constructing a school for our children. We are ready to conserve our nature by protecting our park,” said Alex Rwakagabo, the headmaster of Rwikiniro Primary School. 

"The school has an environmental club made up of teachers and students to sensitize residents on the importance of protecting our environment with particular emphasis on Akagera national park,” he revealed.
