Rwanda’s GDP should rise

Dear editor, About the national accounts’ rebasing consultation workshop that took place at Novotel, I believe a lot was achieved during the meeting in terms of improving the country’s GDP estimates.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dear editor,

About the national accounts’ rebasing consultation workshop that took place at Novotel, I believe a lot was achieved during the meeting in terms of improving the country’s GDP estimates.

It was discovered that the present annual estimates of Rwanda’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) are the best possible and as good as any in Africa. This emphasizes the fact that Rwanda is doing extremely well economically.

Even though it is not easy to be accurate about the growth rate because the annual estimates depend mostly on readily available data and several assumptions, the available indications put Rwanda ahead of many other countries.

It is very important to have statistics because they are needed for good governance and policymaking.

The policies put in place by Rwanda’s government are surely bearing fruit and in no time Rwanda will be the best example to other African countries whose economic status is stagnant if not falling by the day.

Kigali City