Editor's note

Dear readers, When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, they say. And Appolline Kaburame did just that. Left to take on the role of sole bread winner, after her husband joined the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) to liberate Rwanda, their home country, life for Kaburame as she knew it, was over. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014
Rachel Garuka

Dear readers,

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, they say. And Appolline Kaburame did just that. Left to take on the role of sole bread winner, after her husband joined the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) to liberate Rwanda, their home country, life for Kaburame as she knew it, was over. 

After saying goodbye to a husband whose return she could not guarantee, it was time to take over, which is not easy when you have seven kids!

Her hopes were renewed when ‘Abambay’impumbya’, an association formed to unite widows and orphans of liberation soldiers, took some weight off her shoulders and helped her get an affordable place to stay, and some financial assistance that she used to start a small business. 

From here, she pushed her way through life with the hopes that her husband would come home some day, but that was not to be. In our lead story, Kabureme narrates her touching journey to a better life. 

When your nose is blocked and your throat is dry and there’s that sneeze that keeps toying with you, do you ever wonder how a baby can handle all that? It must be utterly frustrating to watch your child suffer with a cold that seems determined to stick around a while no matter how hard you’ve tried to get rid of it. 

What could it be? Will it go away or is it something of a more dangerous sort? Dr Rachna looks into it.

Have a great weekend.