Thanks for the Remera Giporoso road

Dear editor, I would like to thank the government for the constant efforts towards infrastructural development and general rehabilitation of the country’s economy in this post genocide era.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dear editor,

I would like to thank the government for the constant efforts towards infrastructural development and general rehabilitation of the country’s economy in this post genocide era.

A few months ago, we were eating dust in Giporoso. The road to the Remera Park was terrible just like the former Giporoso-Kabeza road.

Today, however, the newly constructed road has made access to this park much easier and we no longer have to succumb to coughing and flu because of inhaling all the dust.

At this rate, Rwandan roads will be ranking high on the E.A.C list for not having potholes and for being high quality.
With time, the Ministry of infrastructure should also put into consideration the construction of other roads especially those that lead to residential homes.

When this is done, Rwanda will have reached the peak of its success in terms of beauty and development.
