“Yes we can,” a group of economics students at King David respond when asked a tricky question from Jim Beingana, their teacher

Wednesday, July 09, 2014
Beingana in his office at King David School. PHOTO BY SOLOMON ASABA

"Yes we can,” a group of economics students at King David respond when asked a tricky question from Jim Beingana, their teacher.

When Beingana joined King David School six years ago, you could count the number of economics students on your fingertips. But the small numbers could be explained by the fact that there were few combinations with Economics then. However, when the government introduced new combinations such as PEM, MCE, and Computer science, HEL and LEG, Beingana used this opportunity to attract more students to his economics class. And despite being dreaded for its curves and mathematical calculations, Economics soon turned out to be loved by many students .

In last year’s A-level national  examinations, 17 out of 36 students in the HEG class got A, while all the 12 students in the LEG class got A in Economics. Furthermore, 15 out of 21 and 12 out of 19 got A in the computer science class and MEG class respectively. The best performers were from the PEM class after all the 8 students got A in Economics. No failures were recorded. This excellent performance has made economics look like the simplest subject.

Beingana’s biggest worry though is how to deal with the big classes.