Rwanda undergoing major transformation

Editor, A real revolution is underway in our country, quietly, almost stealthily, but broad, deep and, without question, with far-reaching social, cultural, economic and political consequences.

Wednesday, July 09, 2014


A real revolution is underway in our country, quietly, almost stealthily, but broad, deep and, without question, with far-reaching social, cultural, economic and political consequences.

It is not the pseudo Social Revolution of 1959 bequeathed by the most reactionary entities who had exclusive power in the land, the Belgian colonial authorities and the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy, but one that is home-grown and driven by Rwandans themselves.

One senses a level of self-awareness and self-confidence among a large and ever-growing proportion of Rwandans—men and women, mainly young, but also a growing number of the more aged—who no longer believe or accept they are second to anybody else.

It is a final mental liberation from the shackles of colonial and clerical domination and indoctrination into acceptance of an inferiority complex that had been assiduously inculcated into us via the Church and the Church-dominated "education” system where Rwandans from their first admission into Primary One were socialised into total obedience, first to an infallible Church and each and every one of its clerical agents and then to the state.

The revolution which is underway is likely to be the most important rampart against political opportunists and the possibility of a repeat of genocide.

Mwene Kalinda, Rwanda

Reaction to the story, "Rwanda has never been a better country – Karega” (The New Times, July 3)