Diseases patient caregivers are exposed to in hospital

It is an African culture that every patient must have someone to take care of them in hospital. This has made most of our people to disapprove with hospitals that refuse caretakers. 

Monday, July 07, 2014

It is an African culture that every patient must have someone to take care of them in hospital. This has made most of our people to disapprove with hospitals that refuse caretakers. 

We tend to believe in the security of the hospital premises, which at a certain level might be considered right but according to research many dangerous diseases are hospital acquired as in the community. 

One of them being Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).

Dr Gad Murenzi, of Rwanda Military Hospital, Kanombe, says MRSA causes skin infections. 

Strains of these bacteria may cause infection in almost any part or organ of the body. MRSA staph strains are characterised as superbugs because they are resistant to many different antibiotics.


Initially, MRSA infections in the skin resemble minor skin infections; they appear as a red bump, pimple, or boil on the skin that may be painful, swollen, or warm to the touch.

Occasionally, these infections may open and have pus drain from the area. Although most MRSA skin infections are mild, some progress and spread further into the skin and to other areas or organ systems from hospital-acquired MRSA.

People with higher risk of MRSA infection are those with skin breaks and people with depressed immune systems (infants, the elderly, or HIV-infected individuals) or those with chronic diseases (diabetes or cancer) such people should not be caretakers of patients in hospitals.

People with pneumonia due to MRSA can transmit MRSA by airborne droplets, they should also be put inprivate wards. Healthcare workers are repeatedly exposed to MRSA-positive patients. 

Dr Murenzi said MRSA is hard to treat because it is resistant to wide spectrum antibiotics like penicillin. 

This infection is usually found in hospitals but mainly with patients who stay there for so long like in nursing homes, prisons, psychiatric hospitals and so on.


Hspitals should put rules and regulations that prevent caretakers from being at hospitals. This is possible some hospitals have tried to implement it and it has worked for example King Faisal hospital, Hôpitale de croix du Sud.

Generally, avoid direct contact with skin, clothing, and any items that come in contact with either MRSA ptients is the best way to prevent Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus infection.